Our application will help you track your income and outgoings and provide you with an instant balance. It will also provide you with a snapshot of your total income or total outgoings. \n
The full application (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yaducode.personalaccountantpro) provides unlimited access to all the features whereas the limited version – which is free - will only give you permission to save up to 3 accountant files. The ‘Personal Accountant’ can organize your normal household accounts or your small business account.
我们的应用程序将帮助你跟踪你的收入和支出,并为您提供即时的平衡。它还将提供您与您的总收入或总开支的快照。 \ n
完整的应用程序(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yaducode.personalaccountantpro)提供无限制地访问所有功能,而有限的版本 - 这是免费的 - 只会给你权限节省高达3会计文件。 “个人会计师可以组织你的普通家庭账户或小型企业帐户。